If you have an urgent matter, please leave your contact information and we will return to you at our earliest.
당사에서 제조한 모든 제품은 유지 보수 서비스가 가능 하며 새 제품과 동일, 또는
근접하는 성능과 수명 대응을 원칙으로 합니다.
문제의 증상 분석과 예상 원인 확인 및 솔루션을 지원 합니다.
파트 교체 시에 반드시 설명서 및 주의사항을 준수하여 주시기 바랍니다.
고 진공 앵글밸브 외 기타 제품의 메인터넌스 관련 사항은 당사로 메일 또는 전화 바랍니다.
Note: Our company is not responsible for any accidents or problems that arise in the process of maintenance. in the process of maintenance.
Seal kit"SA"
Configuration Item
-Disk,Bonnet,Shaft O-ring
-Vacuum grease
Seal kit"SB"
Configuration Item
-Disk,Bonnet,Shaft O-ring
-Vacuum grease
Bellows Ass`y(P)
Cylinder kit"CK"
Seal kit"HB"
Configuration Item
-Disk,Bonnet,Shaft O-ring
-Vacuum grease
Bellows Ass`y(H)
- Principle of repairs
Remove all Contaminants
Replace all Elastomers
Existing applied parts and Materials apply the same
All lubricant removal and Repainting
Compliance with all bellows new Replacement principle
If you'd like further information, please contact our agent who will assist communication with us. In the event you have trouble connecting with our agent, please reach out directly to us.
- Europe inquiries49-5606-563-174 info@metallicflex.de
- China inquiries86-22-87181346 jhy.1103@hotmail.com
- Japan inquiries81-48-434-8234 chang@keijapan.com
- Southeast inquiries86-512-62831877 huhyoung2000@gmail.com
H.q & Agent exact location:
View our location Map
I-SAN Corporation located in
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Siheung-si,Gyeonggi-do Korea.
Head quarter and manufacturing are
in same place. -
I-SAN Corporation was founded in
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1997 By ick su Han in incheon.
Now, we are manufacturer of vacuum