If you have an urgent matter, please leave your contact information and we will return to you at our earliest.
We provide our product’s predicted life span and reliability for our client’s desired usage
conditions and environment.
The information we provide is tangible and stable by applying or producttesting materials
and manufacture methods to different pressures, temperatures and gasse.
Our ultimate goal in our product reliability service is contributing to the mass production
speed, product quality and stability. We already have a wealth of various
application examples and test data.

Securing sufficient product reliability is impossible with tests applying the ordinary environme
nt when it comes to the life span of high-vacuum valves.
Our company’s Life Cycle Test method crossapplies negative and positive pressures to our
products, creating artificially severe conditions in order to verify their quality and performance.
At the same time, we test multiple products, further increasing reliability.

If you'd like further information, please contact our agent who will assist communication with us. In the event you have trouble connecting with our agent, please reach out directly to us.
- Europe inquiries49-5606-563-174 info@metallicflex.de
- China inquiries86-22-87181346 jhy.1103@hotmail.com
- Japan inquiries81-48-434-8234 chang@keijapan.com
- Southeast inquiries86-512-62831877 huhyoung2000@gmail.com
H.q & Agent exact location:
View our location Map
I-SAN Corporation located in
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Siheung-si,Gyeonggi-do Korea.
Head quarter and manufacturing are
in same place. -
I-SAN Corporation was founded in
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1997 By ick su Han in incheon.
Now, we are manufacturer of vacuum